Thursday, May 26, 2022




I watched two shows on the Science channel last night and it allowed me to solve one of the mysteries that have caused scientists to argue for years.  What killed the dinosaurs?        

The first show was about stink!!!  One of the examples was how a cow produces hydrogen sulfide and methane gas.  The narrator said that the three million cows in the U.S. produce more methane gas that all of the cars combined.  The reason for the large amount of gas was that the grass and grain eaten by the cow was converted to methane during the digestion process.    Wow!!!     

The second show was about dinosaurs.  It seems that those dinosaurs that were not eating each other were consuming large amounts of vegetation.   Are you starting to make a connection here?  Good!!  The herbivore dinosaurs produced large amounts of methane gas, the same as cows.  This has been verified by examining the coprolites (look that one up) produced by the herbivore dinosaurs.

Now for my conclusion.  Get ready for this.    The large amount of methane caused global warming.  The seas rose and all the dinosaurs drowned!!!  Just ask Algore.

I know, you think that I don’t have enough to do.  Not true.  I am just taking a break from work.


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