Saturday, February 25, 2017

Two Walls

Two world shaping events occurred in August, 1961.  On the 13th the East Germans built a wall between East and West Berlin.  I remember that geo-political event well because it caused my U.S. Army tour of duty to be extended by exactly 5 months and 11 days.  The lesser event, but equally important one, occurred nine days earlier in Hawaii on August 4th.  On that day Barack Hussein Obama was born.  The second occurrence, 9 days before the building of the Berlin wall, is important because it too, will eventually lead to another wall.  This one will be located on our southern border and is the result of completely ignoring our fair immigration laws.

The first wall was built to keep people IN and politically oppressed.  The second wall will be built to keep people OUT and will assure that OUR nation remains a nation of laws and not a “catch-all” of people from all over the world.  Do not attempt to twist the prior sentence into something hateful.  It is true and is the result of fair laws developed over the years by our fairly elected political leaders.  Many other nations around the world, including Mexico, have much stricter immigration laws.  We have seen the results in Europe when national borders have been eliminated.  Immigration becomes chaotic.

Let us follow our existing laws, allow fair immigration, and keep our country safe from those that wish us harm or choose to ignore our local and national laws.  Dal Wolf, Naples