Saturday, May 7, 2011

How much is a trillion dollars

We keep hearing the term "TRILLION" being tossed about when speaking of the Federal budget.  Just how much is a TRILLION dollars?  Lets put some different amounts of money in perspective by measuring them in $100 bills using common measuring sticks that everyone can relate to.
 Just to make sure my calculations were correct I dug up a barrel of greenbacks that I had buried in the back yard.  A $100 bill is printed on very high quality paper and is
.005 inches thick.   A million dollars is a stack of $100 bills only 50 inches high.  I counted them and there are 10,000 of them in a million dollars.  The volume of $1 million was 2.154 cubic feet.  REMEMBER ,The stack of bills is only 50 inches high.


A million dollars in $100 bills could easily fit in a small  (12" X 15") medicine cabinet.

A billion dollars in $100 dollar bills is 1000 times greater than a million and  would fill a very small room  ( 7.8 ft. X 7.8 ft )  with a 7 1/2 foot ceiling.  That stack of bills is
.79 miles high

A trillion dollars in $100 dollar bills is 1000 times greater than a billion dollars and would fill 53 double wide ( 24 x 48 feet) homes. That stack of bills would be an unimaginable
789 miles high.

You math majors check out my numbers.  I hope I am wrong.

PS:    Yes, I reburied the barrel of greenbacks.

Dal Wolf.  

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