I started out the day with my usual ten minutes vigorous workout in the gym. Next, I took a casual ride around the park in my golf cart. I stopped by the pool to check out the college girls on spring break. There were only two there. The fat one in the flesh- colored thong was just plain unattractive. The one with buck teeth and a goiter was no better.
I went back home, ate my lunch and watched TV for a while. The only thing on TV was the continuing rehash of Ukraine. This time they started showing bodies in the street. The next item was the latest about the slapping incident at the Oscars. I didn’t bother to watch the “Naked and afraid “show because it was a repeat and I had seen all of those same bare butts before. So, I took a nap. After my nap I decided It was too hot to go outside to play. There was nothing left to do so I decided to explore a conspiracy theory. Here we go.
The newspapers are continuing to ramp up the story about the foibles of Hunter Biden. In my opinion, if the papers are starting to talk about it, legal indictments must be on the way. These indictments may include Joe as an “unindicted conspirator”. If so, Joe will be under considerable political pressure. He will have two options. He can either resign the office of POTUS now or wait until after the midterms to be impeached by a republican house and senate. My guess is that he will resign. Comma Harris will be smart enough (believe it or not) to realize that taking over after Joe would be her downfall. She will also resign stating that, “Joe and I are a team”. That leaves Nancy Pelosi next in line. Nancy will decline the job saying that her position of running the house and continuing to implement the Biden “bring back better” plan is too important to the country to allow someone else to oversee the plan. It would also prevent her from returning to San Francisco each weekend to supervise the hosing down of the homeless poop from the sidewalk outside her walled estate.
Next in line for the presidency is Patrick Leahy, President pro tempore of the United States Senate. He will accept the job stating that his service will be as a caretaker ONLY and that he will not run for president in 2024 since he is currently 82 years old. He will briefly consider mayor Pete for the job of VP, but the democrat hierarchy will decide that going back to South Bend and running for mayor again is a much more important position for the party. Leahy will then appoint as his vice president, WAIT FOR IT --------- HILLERY CLINTON.
I told you it was too hot to go out and play.