Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Donald Trump - 2019

There seems to be two types of political letters to the editor in the Naples Daily News.  One is full of insulting, abusive or highly critical language aimed towards the President of the United States, Donald Trump.  The other type attempts to point out the positive things that have been accomplished during the two years the president has been in office.  Most of the anti-Trump letters say that “he has had control of both houses of congress”.  I would suggest that those writers review civics 101 and re-learn that it takes 51 votes to pass a bill in the senate but the majority is thin and not all REPUBLICANS follow the party line.  The president lacks those 50 "guaranteed" votes.
Let’s face it, our president is nothing like we have ever seen before.  He is brash, profane, driven, sometimes coarse, and is not afraid to battle sacred cows on both sides of the aisle.  We can certainly stand another two years of his presidency.  The republic can withstand that amount of time to see what develops.
Lastly, I would remind everyone that We, the people elected Donald Trump in 2016.  We can just as easily toss him out in 2020.  That is the American way.  Stay tuned.