I got my Indiana driver’s license renewed today. I had to present my Passport, my birth certificate, a current utility bill , my SS card and my voters registration card as well as my expired license in order to satisfy all the identification requirements. There will be an imbedded chip in the license that will allow me entrance to all federal buildings and airports. I asked the clerk if the picture they took would be subject to facial identification . He indicated the technology to do that would be in place “soon”. That means that all my information (including SSN) would be on file and could be compared at ANY point of need. If the government is using it now, that means that the technology will soon be in place for the general public. There will be no need to carry any personal I.D. of any kind because everyone will KNOW who you are. Big brother is among us and live and well. The good part will be that an illegal would not be able to purchase a can of pop at a 7-11.
What is your state doing ??
Addendum: It is now several days later than my original post. I noticed that My drivers license clearly states "valid for driving privileges and voter identification ". The license is good for three years which means it is only good for one presidential election. It addition I learned that Amazon is currently selling facial recognization software to police departments.
Addendum: It is now several days later than my original post. I noticed that My drivers license clearly states "valid for driving privileges and voter identification ". The license is good for three years which means it is only good for one presidential election. It addition I learned that Amazon is currently selling facial recognization software to police departments.