Monday, March 27, 2017


Opinion analyzed
An opinion is just an opinion until it is backed up by facts. Some readers consider the letters section of the Naples Daily News to be left-wing leaning; others think it is right wing.
One must analyze the content of the letters to the editor to make a valid determination. I have, therefore, made my own analysis of the letters section for the time of March 13 through March 18, 2017, concerning President Donald Trump. To be considered, the letter must mention Trump by name. The following breakdown is my opinion of the letters’ content:
March 13, two mildly anti-Trump letters; March 14, one anti-Trump letter; March 15, one anti-GOP cartoon and four anti-Trump letters; March 16, one pro-Trump and four anti-Trump letters; March 17, one pro-Trump and six anti-Trump letters; and March 18, one anti-administration cartoon, one pro-Trump and two anti-Trump letters.
I saw only one letter that was critical or disparaging of the former administration or any of the opposition party’s current leaders. I find it hard to believe this reflects the mood of the normally conservative Naples Daily News readers.
I would encourage any reader to make his or her own analysis of the letters content and then form an opinion.
As an afterthought, I would like to add that I have noticed there seems to be a 10-day lag between the time a letter is written (by dates provided in the letter) and the actual publication. Are letters reviewed by a third party before publication?
Dal Wolf, Naples