Saturday, September 14, 2013

Situation in Syria

The current administration policy in Syria reminds me of a joke I remember from long ago when I was a kid.  It seems there was a farmer that had a pet goat and a pet monkey.  The animals were good pals and the farmer kept them in a pen together.  It seems that the goat developed a bad case of diarrhea.  The farmer, not wanting to make a mess of things and to also protect the monkey, placed a corncob in the goat’s rectum.  Problem solved?  No, it seems the corncob caused extreme pressure on the goat’s lower bowels.  The monkey, being a curious animal and somewhat playful, grabbed the corncob and removed it from the goat’s rear.  Get ready for this!!
The last scene showed the goat chewing it’s cud with a relieved expression on its face.  The monkey was holding one hand over his eyes and blindly stabbing the air with the corncob attempting to replace it in the goat’s rectum.
Can you draw a better analogy? 

Sunday, September 8, 2013


I am sure that the term ‘TWERKING” has you confused as it does me since we learned of it due to a dance performed by Myley Cyrus.  I consulted my trusty American Heritage dictionary for some help.  I could not find the term “twerking” but I did find several similar words starting with “TW “that may shed some light on the subject.
First there is the work TWERP.  That is defined as a small person.
Next there is TWIDDLE.  That is described as “to twirl or rotate without purpose
Then there is the word TWEAK.  That definition is to “twist sharply
Lastly there is TWINGE.  That is a sharp sudden pain.
From the above I think it is only fair to say that TWERKING is the act of a small person rotating without purpose while twisting sharply resulting in sharp sudden pain
Glad to be able to clear that up.   Dal